Minggu, 11 Oktober 2020

SDGs - Gender Equality

Gender Equality

The reason I chose gender equality is because until now there are differences in women's rights and men's rights, in the sense that women do not have the freedom that men have. Inequality of rights between men and women is still often encountered mainly in small areas where women are only the shadow of men, a small example is that currently there are still many people who think,
"Women don't need school to high like university or other, because when they get married, their duties are only about cooking and house".
I think, thinking like this can break the enthusiasm and ideals of great women.
Therefore, I choose gender equality, "Justice is for all humans. Not only for men or only for women. We are equal, have a power, have a weaknesses, and we all have a rights.".
Men are human, and women are also humans, we should have the same rights.

I hope that someday in Indonesia, gender equality will be given more attention. Because we don't know how many great women are constrained by tradition and custom from having a career. The first education of a child is mother, it can be interpreted that the mental health and thoughts of the next generation of the country are in the hands of the mother (woman). therefore, it is very important for all women to have adequate education.
In addition, an educated woman will also be able to protect herself and not depend on men if something unwanted happens.
Learning is not only about school, but also about how humans can take what must be taken from experience.

Video :

Minggu, 20 September 2020

BIG - Phase 5

 Story Telling :

Issue : Why Does The village of Sumbersuko Not Have a Garbage Bank, While The Pasuruan District Government Recommends That All Villages In Pasuruan Have a Waste Bank?

Members Name :
Delia Anggriani (07)
Ika Dini Febrianti (14)
Salsabillah Reghita A. (29)
Winda Ayuni (34)

In this video we share our experiences in collecting data for the fulfillment of English assignments.
In this task we take the issue of waste banks, because we think waste banks are really needed by the community, considering that waste management in several areas is still not controlled.
Our activity video Youtube link:

Hopefully you can enjoy the video that we present. Don't forget to likes and comments.

Videos that we comment on :

Selasa, 12 Mei 2020

Story telling

Remora and Sharks

One day, in the ocean there was a small fish called a remora fish. Remora fish live by eating small creatures in the ocean. However, due to the large amount of damage in the ocean, remora fish find it difficult to get their food.

"Uhh .. I'm so hungry, but here there isn't any food," said the remora fish.

Then, remora fish get the idea to go to the deep sea to get a lot of food, without thinking about the impact he gets when going to the deep sea.

Until one day, remora fish arrived in the deep sea, he was so happy because he got a lot of food. But, without the remora fish realizing, he was staked out by something dangerous.

Until suddenly, came a big fish and toothed spiky.

"Hmm .. I get food here," said the fish.

Remora fish know his lives are in danger, he could have been a delicious meal of the big shark, so he must think in order to escape from the cold-blooded ferocious predator.

When examined further, the eyes of the remora fish catch sharks' fins that cannot stand still. By daring himself he asked.

"O strong fish, what is wrong with your fins that make you look restless?" asked the remora fish.

"Small fish don't need to know my business! I'll eat you now" sharks shout.

"I'm just asking, maybe I can help you"

"How could a small fish like you help me!" replied the shark.

Remora fish continues to persuade sharks to tell them about the problem. Because remora knows, he can survive by helping sharks.

"Well I give up, my body is filled with parasites, so I'm not comfortable when I swim," replied the shark.

"I can help you get rid of that parasite," said the remora fish.

"Really?" Asked the shark in doubt.

"Of course, I will eat the parasites that are in your body, because that is my food. And I will clean up the crumbs of your leftovers so that you are not disturbed, as long as you promise not to eat me. How?" Asked the remora fish.

"Let me think first ..." The shark answered


"Well, I will accept your conditions as long as you clean the parasites, and the leftovers in my body," said the shark.

"Alright, from now on we are friends .."

Until then remoras and sharks have become complementary friends. Their friendship gives rise to a symbiotic relationship of mutualism. Where remora fish will benefit by eating parasites and crumbs left over from sharks and sharks will benefit from a clean body.

Video Storytelling :

Poster :

Minggu, 19 April 2020


Past :
I like did facial treatments.
Every day I will spent 5-10 pieces of tissue. As for cotton, in a day I will used 3-5 cotton.
So without me realizing the garbage that I collect more and more every day. And collected in the family trash bank in front of our fish pond. And for that, sometimes my mother and sister would burnt it, creating pollution.
Besides that, without my realizing, every time I used tissue and cotton many trees will be uprooted.

Present Continous :
I am like doing facial treatments.
Every day I am will spending 5-10 pieces of tissue. As for cotton, in a day I'm will using 3-5 cotton.
So without me realizing the garbage that I am collecting more and more every day. And collected in the family trash bank in front of our fish pond. And for that, sometimes my mother and sister would burning it, creating pollution.
Besides that, without my realizing, every time I using tissue and cotton many trees will be uprooted.

Future :
I would like do a facial treatments.
Every day I will spend 5-10 pieces of tissue. As for cotton, in a day I will use 3-5 cotton.
So without me realizing the garbage that I  will collect more and more every day. And collected in the family trash bank in front of our fish pond. And for that, sometimes my mother and sister would burn it, creating pollution.
Besides that, without my realizing, every time I will use tissue and cotton many trees will be uprooted.

Wisdom :
For that I have to start reducing the use of rubbish in the form of tissue and cotton, because that will make environmental conditions worse, besides trees that will be increasingly cut down. pollution from burning trash also has a negative impact.
eating from it would be better to use a clean towel to clean the face. more environmentally friendly, can be washed and can save money.

Love :
We must be able to protect our environment. love our environment like we love our homes.
Loving the environment can start from small things, such as reducing the use of waste. When we protect the environment, the environment will also protect us.
from now on, let's reduce the use of waste and use products that are recyclable and environmentally friendly.

Piedge :
I will reduce the use of garbage.
I will use a product that can be recycled.
I will use a towel to clean my face.
I will use the network as needed, not too much.

Selasa, 31 Maret 2020

Procedure Text and Explanation Text

* Procedure Text

How to Make a Soto with Fried Chicken.

Spice ingredients :
1. 3 leeks
2. 1 lemongrass
3. 10 small red onions
4. 5 large cloves of garlic
5. Two pieces of orange leaf
6. One tablespoon of coriander
7. 5 hazelnut seeds
8. One cloves of turmeric
9. one clove of ginger

Additional ingredients (flavoring) :
1. Salt
2. Sugar
3. Pepper
4. Flavoring

Steps :
1. Wash all spices ingredients thoroughly.

2. Puree ginger, hazelnut, coriander, onion, garlic, turmeric. And add salt, sugar, and pepper. Try smoothing the seasoning manually to make it more delicious.

3. Cut the leeks into small pieces.

4. Add the spices to the pan with a little oil and heat.

5. Stir briefly then add the lemongrass, lime leaves and chives that have been cut into small pieces. Stir again until the seasoning thickens slightly.

6. If the seasoning has thickened a little, add two large glasses of water.

7. Then stir briefly and add chicken (may be fried or boiled).

9. For additional ingredients, you can put some eggs (can be replaced with other ingredients, such as meat or so on).

10. To add color variations and make it more delicious, add one red tomato that has been cut into small pieces.

11. Taste your food, if it doesn't suit your taste, you can add seasonings according to taste.

12. Then let it cook for about 15 minutes.

13. Soto with fried chicken is ready to eat with rice.

*Explanation Text

How Soto with Fried Chicken is Made

Soto is a traditional food that is widely known by Indonesians. Not a few Indonesian people who like this traditional food.
This is how to make soto with fried chicken without coconut milk which is definitely healthier and easier to make at home.
First prepare all the ingredients, and wash the ingredients thoroughly. then puree the ingredients except scallions, lemongrass and orange leaves.
Ingredients that have been mashed, then cooked with low heat and a little oil. then add lemongrass, small chopped green onions, and orange leaves. Wait until the seasoning thickens slightly.
Then, add two large glasses of water, stir and add chicken and eggs.
After that add a few pieces of tomatoes to add color variations and add a better taste. Then wait 15 minutes for it to cook. And Soto with fried chicken are ready to be served.

Senin, 23 Maret 2020

Sastra Inggris Assignment

Hospital reservation dialog

Receptionist: "Good afternoon, with Prima Husada Hospital here."
Mr. Jon: "Good afternoon, can I consult with a doctor?"
Receptionist: "Of course sir, did you make an appointment before with a doctor?"
Mr. Jon: "Not yet."
Receptionist: "Allright.. I will connect with the doctor. Please wait a moment, sir."
Mr. Jon: "Okay..."
Doctor: "Good afternoon, sir."
Mr. Jon: "Good afternoon, doctor."
Doctor: "Can I help you, sir?"
Mr. Jon: "Yes, please doctor, for the past three days. I have symptoms of cough, fever, dizziness, and sore throat. Seeing the symptoms, did I get corona virus?"
Doctor: "Have you ever had a history of traveling abroad or to areas affected by the corona virus, sir?"
Mr. Jon: "For a trip abroad, last week I went on a business trip to Italy, doctor."
Doctor: "I see. But, sir. It's better if you come to the hospital to check your health condition, sir. Because with this minimal information, we cannot conclude your condition is negative or positive corona."
Mr. Jon: "Can we make an appointment to meet at the hospital tomorrow, doctor?"
Doctor: "Yes, sir. To avoid transmission, it's better before you go to the hospital tomorrow, you have to isolate yourself first. Don't make physical contact with family first, sir."
Mr. Jon: "Yes doctor"
Doctor: "You must make a reservation in advance for a health test tomorrow, sir. I will connect it to the receptionist."
Mr. Jon: "Yes, thank you so much, doctor."
Receptionist: "Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?"
Mr. Jon: "Please, I want to make a reservation for tomorrow at 10 am to do the COVID-19 test."
Receptionist: "Of course sir, can I know your name and your address before, sir ?"
Mr. Jon: "Of course, I'm Jonnathan Rizky, in Pandaan city."
Receptionist: "Allright, Mr. Jonnathan you could come to the hospital tomorrow, to complete your reservation and take a medical test."
Mr. Jon: "I will go there tomorrow."
Receptionist : "Okay.. Thank you,sir."
 Mr. Jon: "You are welcome."

Name : Winda Ayuni
No. : 34
Class : XI-IBB

Senin, 16 Maret 2020

English Task

Personal Letter

Dear Wolf,

Hello Wolf... Long time no talk. How are you?  I'm fine here. I hope you fine too in there. So, I just want to tell you. Actually now, I'm really sad, because in my country, precisely in Jakarta (Indonesia Capital City) we have disaster. In Jakarta we were flooded and that happened in a new year yesterday until now. Even though I don't live in Jakarta. I'm still worried and concerned. Many people ask the government, how to deal with and prevent flooding. But I think it not just about government. Other than the government action. The people should also be able to protect the environment. Starting for a small thing, like throwing trash in its place.
How about you?  I hope you can also talk about your environment and your country. And I hope you can also give an opinion about my country.


(from Indonesia)

Cause and Effect : Air Pollution

Adverse effects that can be caused by air pollution is on health. Generally, this air pollution is triggered by vehicle fumes which can come from poor fuel quality and poor vehicle maintenance, which causes pollution.
The effects of vehicle fumes can generally trigger lung disease. In fact, not a few WHO surveys that state that many cases of death caused by this lung disease.
Besides air pollution has an impact on the environment such as plants, one of which impacts on the agricultural sector. Polluted air in the process of plant photosynthesis, has an impact on farmers who experience crop failure due to plants experiencing problems in their growth.
Not only humans who feel the impact of air pollution, even plants also experience a lot of damage. This also has a big impact on the climate where the climate experiences unpredictable changes.
This is triggered by the ozone layer that is damaged.
The ozone layer functions to filter UV light before it reaches the earth. But the damage to the ozone layer, finally the sunlight can not be filtered properly so that geothermal temperatures are increasing which can also cause global warming.

Explanation Text : Hydrologic Cycle

Humans always need water in everyday life. The use of water, among others, is for household, agricultural, industrial and power generation purposes. Then, why is water always available on earth? Water is always available on earth because water undergoes cycles.
The water cycle is the circulation (rotation) of water continuously from the earth to the atmosphere, then back to earth. This water cycle occurs through the process of evaporation, sedimentation and condensation.
In this nature the amount of water will always be fixed. Meanwhile, every day the activities of living things do not escape from the use of water. Therefore, to maintain the quality and quantity of water, a hydrological cycle is formed.
The hydrologic cycle itself means that water circulation that never stops from the atmosphere to the earth and back to the atmosphere, through evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
The hydrological cycle starts when the water on earth undergoes an evaporation, that is, changes in liquid form into steam or gas caused by sun exposure.
After being in the atmosphere, water vapor will experience condensation, namely the change of substances from water vapor into water droplets, which we know better as clouds. This drop of water will be carried by the wind. Due to the gravitational force and other factors, such as changes in temperature and pressure in the air, causing these water drops to fall as rainwater is called the precipitation process. This precipitation process can occur in three places, namely at sea, on land which will be absorbed and stored in the ground for the survival of living things, and in high mountain areas to form glaciers.
One of the properties of water is that it always flows to a lower place. In this case, all water will flow into the sea which is generally lower than the mainland. However, sometimes the earth is too hot, so the process of precipitation does not occur, which can cause drought. Therefore, it is better when water is still abundant we always use it wisely, so as not to experience too much trouble when drought occurs.

Name : Winda Ayuni
No. : 34
Class : XI IBB