Senin, 23 Maret 2020

Sastra Inggris Assignment

Hospital reservation dialog

Receptionist: "Good afternoon, with Prima Husada Hospital here."
Mr. Jon: "Good afternoon, can I consult with a doctor?"
Receptionist: "Of course sir, did you make an appointment before with a doctor?"
Mr. Jon: "Not yet."
Receptionist: "Allright.. I will connect with the doctor. Please wait a moment, sir."
Mr. Jon: "Okay..."
Doctor: "Good afternoon, sir."
Mr. Jon: "Good afternoon, doctor."
Doctor: "Can I help you, sir?"
Mr. Jon: "Yes, please doctor, for the past three days. I have symptoms of cough, fever, dizziness, and sore throat. Seeing the symptoms, did I get corona virus?"
Doctor: "Have you ever had a history of traveling abroad or to areas affected by the corona virus, sir?"
Mr. Jon: "For a trip abroad, last week I went on a business trip to Italy, doctor."
Doctor: "I see. But, sir. It's better if you come to the hospital to check your health condition, sir. Because with this minimal information, we cannot conclude your condition is negative or positive corona."
Mr. Jon: "Can we make an appointment to meet at the hospital tomorrow, doctor?"
Doctor: "Yes, sir. To avoid transmission, it's better before you go to the hospital tomorrow, you have to isolate yourself first. Don't make physical contact with family first, sir."
Mr. Jon: "Yes doctor"
Doctor: "You must make a reservation in advance for a health test tomorrow, sir. I will connect it to the receptionist."
Mr. Jon: "Yes, thank you so much, doctor."
Receptionist: "Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?"
Mr. Jon: "Please, I want to make a reservation for tomorrow at 10 am to do the COVID-19 test."
Receptionist: "Of course sir, can I know your name and your address before, sir ?"
Mr. Jon: "Of course, I'm Jonnathan Rizky, in Pandaan city."
Receptionist: "Allright, Mr. Jonnathan you could come to the hospital tomorrow, to complete your reservation and take a medical test."
Mr. Jon: "I will go there tomorrow."
Receptionist : "Okay.. Thank you,sir."
 Mr. Jon: "You are welcome."

Name : Winda Ayuni
No. : 34
Class : XI-IBB

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