Senin, 16 Maret 2020

English Task

Personal Letter

Dear Wolf,

Hello Wolf... Long time no talk. How are you?  I'm fine here. I hope you fine too in there. So, I just want to tell you. Actually now, I'm really sad, because in my country, precisely in Jakarta (Indonesia Capital City) we have disaster. In Jakarta we were flooded and that happened in a new year yesterday until now. Even though I don't live in Jakarta. I'm still worried and concerned. Many people ask the government, how to deal with and prevent flooding. But I think it not just about government. Other than the government action. The people should also be able to protect the environment. Starting for a small thing, like throwing trash in its place.
How about you?  I hope you can also talk about your environment and your country. And I hope you can also give an opinion about my country.


(from Indonesia)

Cause and Effect : Air Pollution

Adverse effects that can be caused by air pollution is on health. Generally, this air pollution is triggered by vehicle fumes which can come from poor fuel quality and poor vehicle maintenance, which causes pollution.
The effects of vehicle fumes can generally trigger lung disease. In fact, not a few WHO surveys that state that many cases of death caused by this lung disease.
Besides air pollution has an impact on the environment such as plants, one of which impacts on the agricultural sector. Polluted air in the process of plant photosynthesis, has an impact on farmers who experience crop failure due to plants experiencing problems in their growth.
Not only humans who feel the impact of air pollution, even plants also experience a lot of damage. This also has a big impact on the climate where the climate experiences unpredictable changes.
This is triggered by the ozone layer that is damaged.
The ozone layer functions to filter UV light before it reaches the earth. But the damage to the ozone layer, finally the sunlight can not be filtered properly so that geothermal temperatures are increasing which can also cause global warming.

Explanation Text : Hydrologic Cycle

Humans always need water in everyday life. The use of water, among others, is for household, agricultural, industrial and power generation purposes. Then, why is water always available on earth? Water is always available on earth because water undergoes cycles.
The water cycle is the circulation (rotation) of water continuously from the earth to the atmosphere, then back to earth. This water cycle occurs through the process of evaporation, sedimentation and condensation.
In this nature the amount of water will always be fixed. Meanwhile, every day the activities of living things do not escape from the use of water. Therefore, to maintain the quality and quantity of water, a hydrological cycle is formed.
The hydrologic cycle itself means that water circulation that never stops from the atmosphere to the earth and back to the atmosphere, through evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
The hydrological cycle starts when the water on earth undergoes an evaporation, that is, changes in liquid form into steam or gas caused by sun exposure.
After being in the atmosphere, water vapor will experience condensation, namely the change of substances from water vapor into water droplets, which we know better as clouds. This drop of water will be carried by the wind. Due to the gravitational force and other factors, such as changes in temperature and pressure in the air, causing these water drops to fall as rainwater is called the precipitation process. This precipitation process can occur in three places, namely at sea, on land which will be absorbed and stored in the ground for the survival of living things, and in high mountain areas to form glaciers.
One of the properties of water is that it always flows to a lower place. In this case, all water will flow into the sea which is generally lower than the mainland. However, sometimes the earth is too hot, so the process of precipitation does not occur, which can cause drought. Therefore, it is better when water is still abundant we always use it wisely, so as not to experience too much trouble when drought occurs.

Name : Winda Ayuni
No. : 34
Class : XI IBB

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